8 Summer Jobs that’ll Make Your Summer More Memorable

By on June 22nd, 2016


For the cash-strapped student who still has another year or so of their degree left, a summer job is the ideal way to keep income ticking along whilst also gathering useful experience. Finding work related to your degree isn’t the be-all and end-all – all experience is good experience, and casual summer jobs are a great way to make new friends, share experiences achieve a healthy work-play balance.

So if you didn’t manage to get that internship you wanted (or simply missed the deadline), here are eight incredibly fun summer jobs guaranteed to make your summer more memorable.

1. Festival staff

(voluntary and paid)

Although you might not get paid mega bucks for this job (most festival jobs are actually unpaid), you will get to attend an awesome festival, see a load of bands for free and make a ton of new friends. Camping is free, as well as all of your food and commodities, and you’ll be given a substantial amount of time off in between shifts to roam the stages.

There are a number of jobs festival staffers can do, from bartending and food vending, to giving out wristbands and picking up litter. Check out Festaff or Festival Volunteer to see available opportunities.

2. Country Club/Resort staff


Let’s face it – the people who hang out at resorts and country clubs are usually pretty well off, which means handsome tips for you. You’d also be getting paid essentially to live by a pool – or a relaxed atmosphere, at any rate.

You’d also get free (or heavily discounted) use of the facilities – perfect for that after-work sauna.

3. Pet sitter/dog walker


Being around animals is not only a ton of fun; it’s also been proven to boost our mental health and wellbeing. Consider pet sitting and dog walking for a reasonable rate and enjoy the flow of endorphins that would inevitably come from each puppy date. You can either advertise your services in your local neighbourhood, or join an agency who will hook you up with work.

4. Summer camp rep


Being a rep at a summer camp may not bring a fantastic wage, but the experience and memories you’ll create are priceless. Summer camps will usually involve working with children and young adults in a variety of ways, and can range from adventure camps and sports camps to English Language summer school camps, or even arts and crafts. As well as making new friends you’ll develop a whole range of skills such as leadership and organisation.
There are number of camps both in the UK and overseas – check out Camp America.and e4s.

5. Freelance writer


There are a number of websites out there that will pay a reasonable fee for various briefed articles, meaning many students’ dreams of being a freelance writer need not feel so impossible. As a freelance writer you could be writing anything – product descriptions; web copy; how-to articles; fiction – so it’s good to be flexible, even if the topics aren’t so exciting.

Pay is also not huge, but this is a great way for budding writers to expand their portfolio whilst making a bit of cash on the side.

6. Theme park staff


Who wouldn’t want to work in one of the most fun places to be during summer time? Whilst working in a theme park might mean dealing with lots of noise and large crowds, they can also be incredibly rewarding places to work, giving you free access to the attractions and enabling you to make plenty of new friends. Working at a theme park can also offer invaluable training and promote a friendly, team-based atmosphere, making it a pleasant working environment.

Various roles include ride attendant, food vendor, photographer or videographer, shop assistant, and even an entertainer. Popular theme parks that welcome students include Thorpe Park, Legoland, Alton Towers, Chessington World of Adventures and of course, Disneyland!

7. Cinema staff


Working at a cinema can only mean one thing – one whole summer of free film, including previews and advance screenings. Perfect for the film enthusiast (or let’s face it, any student), being a cinema assistant can be a great way to feel connected to Hollywood and your local community; not to mention catch a number of smaller, lesser-known indie films you may not see otherwise.

Many cinema staff even report being able to take their friends into advance screenings and get their hands on some unique movie merch…which only adds to the perk factor.

8. Barista


Being a barista may not sound like the most exciting job in the world, but for students wanting to earn a dime, it can actually bring some pleasing side benefits. Besides getting to work within the ambient aroma of roasted coffee beans, you’ll meet a diverse range of people every day and enjoy building up a rapport with colleagues and customers alike. Tips can be generous, there’s very little ruling on dress code (tattoos and band t-shirts welcome) and you’ll have free caffeine whenever you want it.

As an extra bonus, your friends can even hang out there, and there’s always the chance you’ll become that fabled ‘cute barista’ your customers will swoon over.

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